Bird Walks & Events — 2025
To receive program and/or event announcements please send us an email requesting that you would like to be added to our email list at lhasct@me.com
February 21 – 23, 2025
Friday – Sunday
Event: Birding Around Newburyport, MA
Dave Tripp will once again escort LHASers around the Newburyport, Amesbury, and Salisbury areas in search of wintering northern birds. In the past, this trip has seen rare birds like Great Gray Owl, Boreal Chickadee, Varied Thrush, Townsend’s Solitaire, and Harris’ Sparrow.Other uncommon birds encountered in the past are Short-eared Owls, “white-winged” gulls, Barrow’s Goldeneye, Rough-legged Hawks, and Northern Shrike. An added bonus is a day trip to Gloucester and Rockport on Cape Ann, which may add Razorbills, Thick-billed Murres, Harlequin Ducks, Black Guillemots, and more gulls and waterfowl.
If you are interested in going, email Dave at dtrippjr@gmail.com. We will stay at the Fairfield Inn in Amesbury; check websites like kayak.com or hotels.com to find the best rate.
March 2, 2025
Sunday, 9:00 a.m.
Event: Eagle Viewing at Shepaug Dam, Southbury
Join Russ Naylor to view our national bird in suitable habitat at the Shepaug Dam at Lake Zoar in Southbury. We’ll also be likely to view Common Ravens, displaying Common Mergansers and American Black Ducks, a resident Peregrine Falcon, and other visiting winter birds. As a bonus, we might be treated to a live birds of prey presentation by a raptor rehabilitator. Meet at the junction of Routes 6 (Main Street North in Woodbury) and 47 outside the Canfield Corner Pharmacy.
If you plan to go, call Russ Naylor at 203-841-7779 and leave a message. He will make a reservation for the group.
March 22, 2025
Saturday, 12:15 p.m.
Event: Tour of Ripley Waterfowl Conservancy
Meet at the Conservancy entrance, 55 Duck Pond Road in Litchfield.
Tour Highlights: This is a special guided tour lasting 60-90 minutes. It will be led by one of the Ripley Conservancy’s aviculturists. Participants will see and learn about the 101 species that live at the Conservancy. At this time of year the birds are in beautiful breeding plumage and the males are performing their courtship displays.
Who: Children ages 5 and up accompanied by an adult. This tour is limited to 12 participants including children. Since space is limited you must sign up for this event with the number of people attending in your family. Sign up by March 15. If you must cancel, please notify us as soon as possible so that we can fill the space with a family on the waiting list. Sign up by contacting LHAS at lhasjunior@gmail.com.
April 12, 2025
Saturday, 8:00 a.m.
Event: Bird Walk – Early Migrants at the Bent
Start the spring migration season at the Bent of the River Audubon Center as we sight Wood Ducks, Eastern Phoebes, Tree Swallows, various sparrows, and other returning birds. Meet at the Bent’s visitor parking lot at 185 East Flat Hill Road, in Southbury.
For more information, call Russ Naylor at 203-841-7779 and leave a message.
April 22, 2025
Tuesday, 10:00 a.m. – Noon
Event: Garden Clean-up at Wigwam Brook Sanctuary, Litchfield
The Red-winged Blackbirds will be arriving to announce spring! Time to start thinking about getting the gardens ready for the migrants and other pollinators. Mark your calendar for this clean-up event. We will cut down dead plants and grasses, and remove visible weeds and other plant debris. We can also decide on new perennials needed to complement the existing plants. Bring gloves, your favorite gardening tools, spray for ticks, and lots of energy!
To sign up, email Vickie Dauphinais at vdauphinais1@gmail.com or call her at 860-805-9167. Rain date: April 23, same time.
April 22, 2025
Tuesday, 6:30 p.m.
Event: Earth Day Event: ‘Wings Over Water’ Screening
On Earth Day, April 22, come to the Bantam Cinema and Arts Center to be entertained and enlightened by the stunning documentary “Wings Over Water.”
The film, which will be shown at 6:30 p.m., focuses on the prairie wetlands in the heartland of North America. These water highways remain an oasis for wildlife, from the bison that still roam part of the Great Plains to the swaying grasslands, wildflowers, and vital honeybees that pollinate our crops, and especially for the millions of magnificent birds that migrate along these “flyways.”
Narrated by award-winning actor Michael Keaton, the film tells the compelling story of three amazing bird species — the Sandhill Crane, the Yellow Warbler, and the Mallard Duck — with extraordinary footage of their fascinating behaviors. You will be captivated by the triumphs and challenges of these remarkable creatures that defy all odds and soar across mountains, deserts, cities, and forests as they head home to raise their young.
The evening will conclude with a brief series of talks by two local experts in the fields of wildlife and conservation: Ken Elkins, director of Connecticut Audubon’s Coastal Center at Milford Point, and Lisa Turoczi, a landscape architect who co-founded the Earth Tones Native Plant Nursery in Woodbury. You will learn how to make your own property a welcome mat for migrating birds, butterflies, and other creatures!
The six partner organizations presenting the film and talks are White Memorial Conservation Center, Litchfield Hills Audubon Society, Steep Rock Association, Ripley Waterfowl Conservancy, Bent of the River Audubon Center, and Litchfield Land Trust. The evening is being sponsored by Gallagher Insurance.
The cost to attend is $10 per person. You must buy tickets in advance by going to the calendar page on White Memorial’s website at https://whitememorialcc.org/ calendar.
April 24, 2025
Thursday, 10:00 a.m. – Noon
Event: Garden Clean-up at Kalmia Sanctuary, Harwinton
The Red-winged Blackbirds will be arriving to announce spring! Time to start thinking about getting the gardens ready for the migrants and other pollinators. Mark your calendar for this clean-up event. We will cut down dead plants and grasses, and remove visible weeds and other plant debris. We can also decide on new perennials needed to complement the existing plants. Bring gloves, your favorite gardening tools, spray for ticks, and lots of energy!
To sign up, email Vickie Dauphinais at vdauphinais1@gmail.com or call her at 860-805-9167. Rain date: April 29, same time.
April 27, 2025
Sunday, 1:00 p.m.
Event: Exploration of Pond Life at Boyd Woods Sanctuary
In spring it’s often the arrival of birds and the budding vegetation that captivate us. But nature is on the move underwater too. Join the LHAS Nature Explorers at Boyd Woods to look for all the aquatic critters coming to life in the ponds and streams. Catch a glimpse of frogs and spotted salamanders. Listen for spring peepers and wood frogs. Maybe spot a Jack-in-the-Pulpit or a lovely trillium. Avid naturalists Ann Orsillo and Josh Szwed will lead participants through the fascinating metamorphosis going on in the pond. Come ready to get your hands dirty. Wear waterproof footwear for pond exploration. FUN! Appropriate for kids and adults. Meet at the Boyd Woods parking lot on Route 254 in Litchfield.
Pre-registration is appreciated at lhasjunior@gmail.com. For questions, call Vickie Dauphinais at 860-805-9167. Heavy rain cancels.